Sunday, April 26, 2009

Final result

Here's a video that walks you through the whole website:

improved website

Ok, instead of link order I put "enquire" link, as my company has no product but services. So I put only several pictures with price as example, then there is "enquire" to have more information and best balloon and flower solution for event from "manager".

Thursday, April 16, 2009

How I made flash intro and Logo

Flash intro's idea came as simple as balloons fly. Just made flying letters with balloons.
Each balloon I downloaded from internet. It's no one's, for free. I didn't put any references for balloons.

I splited words "Balloon" and "Flower", then insert it into folder. each flying balloon I did separatly.

Here, first I wrote word Balloon flower, then instead of O I put balloons. Then connect it with another balloons

new GUI and map site. Also a bit explanation of absense of whole info in blog.

After dr. Neo's advice I changed some design and links of my website. I tried to do it as simply as possible. This thought came after I searched in internet some website sample. I saw a lot of terrible websites, where you can lost. Too many information and too many links there. I tried make more simple and less. But to cover everything.
Here, some samples:
I still need some advice from dr. Neo about main page and another. I don't satisfy with centre of page... seems, something missing, but cannot understand WHAT?
I changed left side flash to another (right side) It's several pictures of balloons and flowers. All pictures has references. to Balloon decor we can see this page:

Previous "discount" flash I put here as this page is about product. Here also another flash of pictures, but only balloons. From here, we can see four differen product... Let's link wedding...

When you link any of this four links, you can see from left side another two add links...
I suggest not to put gallery and pricelist to main page, as clients first of all want to see the product, then they can see price. I'll upload site map, where you can see that all four product link have same left side links.

Here, one of website, where I borrowed the idea of colors and links...

It's a russian website... By the way, I noticed that russian websites more interesting and more simple than english one. May be I searched in wrong way.

Here some terrible examlpe of websites...

Here is simple and updated map site:

as you can see from this map, it's very simple now. No confusion. I put whole balloon's link under balloon decor and all flower link under flower decor.
Also you can see that discount flash links only with balloon and flower decor.

I don't know how to upload flash video here...but "Flash intro" related with my logo. Balloons fly from bottom to top and among balloons words (balloonflower) come...
Here is picture of that flash video:

I've done this flash 3 or four weeks ago...but didn't know where to put in dreamweaver...Then I was cleared that it should be as intro page.
In the beggining I collect whole information from internet. Searched decoration companies, looked for pictures, how to do main page. Because this is the first time for me to create websites. Actualy this is first blog of mine. I've never worked with flash, even photoshop. To learn and create simple logo took 2 or 3 days.

If there any mistake of english grammar, sorry. It's not my first language.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

GUI design

There is sample of my GUI design, but it's not complete. I'll do it better. Nowdays I'm collecting information and images. All images will have the links.
Another thing is may be I'll totaly change my first idea. Will see...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Website maps

There is a map of my website. During my designing of web some part might change, but not too much.