Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I've created a logo and made with several different colours. Later I'll choose which gonna use as a logo.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

flash video

By the way, I have created a flash video for my web site.
As I wrote bellow that my company name is balloonflower, it's a type of summer flower. Thefore I put a picture of that flower, added flying balloons and the background is a sky.

Detailed proposal

Detailed proposal of my company:

Name of company: Balloonflower (it's a name of flower)

Purpose: To decorate feast, banquet or party with balloons and flowers.

Target audience:
Main target audience are kids as they love colorful balloons and flowers. Age is between 1 year and 16.
And also anyone who wants to make better and nice his party or feast: Birthday, Wedding, Anniversary, New year etc. Age is from 17 to 100.

Demographics of target audience:
As I couldn't find any demographic charts, I didn't put in any of charts. But will write later when find something.

Colors of website:
I'm gonna use several colors such as yellow, red, green, blue and white. Obviously most of this colors will be using for balloons. For web site design will use more blue, green and white colors







Thursday, February 12, 2009


After a long thinking, I chose subject and will write here concrete layout. The subject is company which decorate a place with baloons and flowers. It's a service company. I didn't think up about details yet, but I get going on it.